At OTR RECRUIT™, we are committed to driving your success by connecting you with dependable, low-risk drivers who meet your specific needs. Through our tailored recruitment solutions, we streamline the hiring process, ensuring your fleet remains fully operational and efficient. Our triple-screening process guarantees quality and transparency, allowing you to focus on what matters most—keeping your business on the road to growth.
OTR RECRUIT™ is here to work for you. Let us fill your empty truck with a reliable low risk driver. We understand how costly it can be when you're not rolling. Our commitment to safety and transparency is our top priority. We will assign you a dedicated recruiter; walking you through the onboarding process every step of the way.
OTR RECRUIT™ puts your needs first. We know how hard it can be on the road. We also understand the importance of great pay, good equipment, and respecting your home time. We will get you on the road with one of our trusted carriers.